Hand in hand with the masters
(Erasmus+ 2024-2025
short term mobility project)
Through this project, we aim to contribute to the creation of a rich and diverse learning environment that supports the professional and personal development of our students and teachers, and promotes intercultural understanding and cooperation in the field of music. It would also help to develop the organisation and methodology of teaching in our school in line with best practice in Europe.
The "Hand in Hand with Masters" project (No 2024-1-EE01-KA122-VET-000231702) will involve 7 mobility actions, including 2 participation in professional competitions, 3 group mobility actions, 1 invitation of an external expert and 1 staff mobility. The project started on 1 June 2024 and activities will end in spring 2025.
The project contact persons are Henri Reeder (henri.reeder@tmk.ee) and Neili Peters-Meus (neili.peters-meus@tmk.ee).