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Learning opportunities


in classical, pop-jazz and folk music specialities

  • Vocational secondary education on the basis of basic education, with a study duration of 4 years. In addition to vocational education, graduates receive general secondary education from Heino Eller Tartu Music College. Upon graduation, students are awarded a fourth qualification level profession and a vocational secondary education leaving certificate.

  • Joint study programme with Tartu Jaan Poska Gymnasium, with a study duration of 3 years. Vocational education is acquired in Heino Eller Tartu Music College and general secondary education in Tartu Jaan Poska Gymnasium. Upon graduation, students are awarded a fourth qualification level profession and receive a vocational secondary education leaving certificate from Tartu Jaan Poska Gymnasium.

  • Vocational training on the basis of basic education, with a study duration of 3 years. Upon graduation, students are awarded a fourth qualification level profession. If desired, general secondary education can be pursued concurrently in a general education school. 


in classical, pop-jazz and folk music specialities

  • Vocational training on the basis of secondary education, with a study duration of 3 years. Upon graduation, students are awarded a fourth qualification level profession.


in instrument or singing teacher and choral conducting specialities

  • Continuing training on the basis of secondary education, with a study duration of 1 year. The prerequisite for commencing studies is a fourth qualification level profession or the existence of corresponding competences. It is possible to pursue studies while working.


Piret Hendrikson, Head of the Office of Academic Affairs,, phone 744 2405

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